Review: Katarsis
A monk (Ulderico Sciaretta) goes to a nightclub to see an acquaintance who works there and proceeds to tell her a story from long ago. In his youth, the monk and his five boozy friends end up in a dingy old castle where a haunted old man (Christopher Lee) offers them treasure if only they can find his lost love. One of the more obscure – and forgettable – films in the career of Christopher Lee, this 1963 film from one-and-done writer-director Giuseppe Veggezzi is for Lee completists only, like me. And frankly, even I didn’t get much out of this one. It’s been dreadfully edited – apparently the film went through more than one production company and much of the film was changed before its eventual release. The seams show. Badly. Characters are introduced early that have no bearing on anything else. The film’s opener sets up Ulderico Sciaretta’s monk character as our protagonist only for him to be a bit of an also-ran for the bulk of the film, not to mention seeming like a completel