Review: Home
Oh (voiced by Jim Parsons) is a member of an alien race known as Boov (though until you see it spelled out, you’ll be hearing ‘Boob’!), who in response to a violent alien threat from a species known as Gorg, have decided to flee their home and taking over Earth. Earthlings are relocated (where else?) in Australia, whilst the Boov inhabit the cities (Never mind that Australia has plenty of metropolitan areas. Never mind that Australia probably isn’t big enough to house so many people, either. Sigh). Oh isn’t very well-liked or respected amongst his kind on account of him being incredibly annoying and cloying in pursuit of friendship (something Boov aren’t normally interested in). And prone to cocking things up. Yeah, there’s that too, and when an invite to a ‘warming of house’ party Oh is hosting gets sent out too far and wide, it alerts the Gorg to the Boov’s whereabouts. Oh is hunted down by his own people, and he decides to seek refuge in an abandoned convenience store. It’s here...